
Saturday, May 16, 2009

New and Improved Share Section

This inspiring layout came from my good friend Sherri's gallery at Jenni Bowlin Studio. It was a little hard for me to find and I noticed that she said she made it from an October kit, but I know it wasn't last October's kit. Hmmmm . . . don't you wish it was easier to find inpiration in the share gallery? I know I do. Well, on June 1st our wish will be granted. The new and improved share gallery will have several search function options, including searching by name and month. And the images themselves will be MUCH BIGGER. It's going to be an awesome resource for you. Even better . . . the design team will be on the lookout for YOUR gorgeous creations to post right here!

I know the waiting is hard, so how about a little fun right now? We're giving away a kit every day between now and June 1st! AND we'll have a few "drive-by" treats as well. You might want to become a blog follower so you'll get an email as soon as the blog gets updated each day. You can do this by clicking on the "follow blog" button just above the banner.

So . . . to be entered into a drawing for the first kit giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post telling us which JBS kit has been your favorite and why. We'll randomly choose a winner from the comments section tomorrow at 2:00 cst. We'll also have our first drive-by at that time. See you then!


  1. I would have to say I love all the kits but Sept of 08 was my favorite! Can't wait for June 1st. Loved the gallery this month! Keep up the great work ladies!!!


  2. My all time favorite kit is the one from last May 2008 (I think). I love the butterflies and the turquoise and tangerine colors. I am excited to see the new site too!

  3. May 09 is my favourite! I love the new JB papers, they're just gorgeous!

  4. Hard to decide - they are all great!

  5. The first. Because I love Jenni and her brave bold start to begin her new career!!

  6. I like the current kit and the Nov 08. All the kits are put together so well. Love them all

  7. I have really loved the "Farmer's Wife." It is so country and I love the journal cards, the chipboard buttons and the pearl and rhinestone buttons, too. Obviously, I really went for this group! (The new Front Porch is calling my name though)

  8. I LOVE this recent kit... May 2009. I am so in love with the colors of the Front Porch line, and my favorite part was the journal boxes! I love the designs. And before this month, last month was my favorite. As much as I love Jenni's kits EVERY month - April & May of 2009 are going to stand out! GREAT JOB.

  9. oh, this is a tough choice but i have to go with March 2009 as I cannot get enough of those birds! so adorable!

  10. I am new to JBS, so I don't have a favorite. But from looking around the site, it all looks great. Can I please please please still qualify for the giveaway?!? :)

  11. The red/black/cream combo of the kit from last Nov. was a winner for me!

  12. Well I always love getting the new product hot off the press....But I really loved Aprils kit. It was very colorful with lots of unique embellies. That is sort of a hard one. They are all to die for.

  13. I can't believe this, but I have never had a Jenni Bowlin kit before. Just a huge fan of your products which I have always bought at scrapbook stores. :)

  14. I just found Jenni and her kits - the latest one - May 09 and the projects made with it really caught me eye. Gorgeous!!!! - betsy

  15. Well, I'm not a subscriber...yet. But I just love the May 09 kit featuring the Front Porch line. I'm sooo sad that it has sold out :(. The gallery is pretty fabulous!

  16. I think Cynthia and I must be on the same wavelength because I loved the red and cream and black (which are all colors of my home decor) from last Nov.

  17. All of your kits are beautiful!! It is hard to pick just one!! Laura M

  18. Loved the June 07! The soft pastel colors of
    the Melissa Frances paper/stickers and beach/summer theme. Loved it so much I had to get 2 kits!

  19. Another newbie to the JBS blog! I've never purchased a Jenni Bowlin kit, but I do have LOTS of JB product, lol! I'm sure the kits are all beautiful.

  20. I am lovin the May 09 kit.... fun, fun, fun! There are just sooo many possibilities with all the new goodies!

  21. Ugh....I have to pick just one?!?!? I think every month is my favorite!! I'm REALLY digging what Stephanie Howell did with this month's kit maybe I'll go with May '09!

  22. I like the kits that have birds or butterflies. That pretty much means most of your kits, right? :)

  23. I was checking out Doris' layouts she did with this kit. I have to say I'm really liking the current one!

    As for my favorite...I don't know unfortunately I don't have the $$ to buy a full kit. But I do buy several things individually.

  24. My favorite is the current kit. I love the tickets and variety of patterned paper.

  25. Donna Kjellander KarlanMay 17, 2009 at 12:58 AM

    My favorite kit so far (although that's a tough decision since Jenni's kits are all fabulous)is the December '08 kit. It featured neutrals, which make it easy to add pieces of leftovers from other JB kits (I don't throw away a thing from her precious kits.)

  26. I am torn between Front Porch and Farmer's Wife. I absolutely love them both! Cna't I choose both?

    Alicia in Salem

  27. Isn't always the latest that's the favorite? :)

  28. i have to say the one that has just been launched the yummiest! :) Of course the fantastic gallery is a great contributor to that opinion!

  29. I think Jenni's second kit (March 2006) was my fave. I love that brown and green color combination. :) I made so many layouts from that kit! I think that's the only one that was down to bits of scraps by the time I was finished. LOL And that stamp is my FAVE stamp ever!!! :)

  30. I love all the kits but this last one is awesome!

  31. June 07 is my favorite one!! LOVE the soft colors!!

  32. I love all her kits but the September 2008 kit really spoke to me - the colors were just my style. I've been working on a special album using only her kits and the layout I made from this kit is one of my favorites!

  33. I am so inspired by the new Front Porch line and would love to get my hands on the May 09 kit! The colours make me think of being outside on a warm summer day...mmmmm. The green, red and tan combination is perfect!

  34. I think it was March 2007??? It is the kit that is green and brown (mint chocolate chip like). At the time I had a ton of ice skating pictures where we were all wearing colors that looked great with this kit. I also love the happy birthday bingo card project I just got and already put together!

  35. I am new to your blog and have never purchased a kit from any club, but I love the Jenni products and have really enjoyed seeing the pages made from the May 09 kit. You are seriously tempting me to become a member!

  36. I loved that first kit...true Jenni style, and it's just gotten better!

  37. I love it when the kit includes JBS papers, but my fave kit ever was last summer, with CC Hello Sunshine. Jenni does such a great job putting together all the elements of a kit--I loved all the things she chose to make the most of that kinda crazy, fun, retro paper!

  38. I'm new to getting the JBS kits but I'm dying to get my hands on May's kit!!!! Love it, love it, LOVE it!!

  39. I love the May 2009 kit - I could have a lot of fun with that one!!

  40. I have to admit, I have only purchased one kit. I'm a big fan, though! I read the blogs, browse the online store and dream! I do love the Farmer's Wife line and may have to purchase some soon.

  41. I loved the November 2008 kit...Jenni always puts together the best kits and I love all the changes/improvements that you all are making here! smiles...

  42. If I have to choose - because I love them all - I will pick May's kit. The reason - so many cool layouts by the design team. I was so inspired and must admit that I now have several more subscriptions added to my Google Reader so I can see all the stuff these designers create.

  43. Wow, this is too hard to narrow to one. I love the Farmer's Wife and the Front Porch kits the most(but I've bought almost all the others). I love the colors and the country feel. I love fruit and stars, red, white and blue, and all the fun vintage tidbits and ribbons that are included (love milk and soda caps). I also really loved a lot of the 2008 projects like the popcorn bag picture holder, the ice cream box and the Christmas fold up book made of the bingo cards. I could keep going because I think I love everything!

  44. It's so hard to choose but one of my favorites was the first October's kit. I love the playfulness and the colors.

  45. I love all the kits but especially love all the project kits, so creative. Each month, one is better than the next.

  46. I love the blue and green of August 2007. I really liked the clear star we got in that kit!

  47. I love the May 2009 kit. The colors are gorgeous.

  48. All the kits are great but I'd have to say May 2008 (I think) but its the one with all the turquoise and orange colors and butterflies!!! That is my favorite kit.

  49. I love the kit this month the colors are amazing

  50. Honestly I love all of the kits. Love how you add vintage hard to find items.

  51. ok, waaaaaaay too hard to decide 'cuz i love all the kits. i love jbs' funky vintage style. but if i had to pick one i would have to say march 07, which was my 1st kit purchase. i had always coveted the jbs kits but wouldn't splurge but when this kit came out, i just couldn't resist, joined the kit club and haven't looked back since.

  52. this month's kit is my absolute favorite! JBs new collection is just perfect! love the color combo :)

  53. My favourites are the die cut label papers - and I cannot name a favourite of these cause I love them all and use them a lot!

  54. no, way! I am so excited to be able find things easier! I was just searching the other day for inspiration for kits I have from '06! yes! I know, can you believe I still have them? Well you would if you knew I had twins since then. whew. I just have to say that my fave kit was from that year, and I'm guessing it was JUNE 2006. Gosh, I wish I had more of that paper. it was fabulous and I've been using it lots in my L.O.A.D challenge this month!

  55. I have a love affair going with your designs, Jenni, and am so excited about this new move you are making. Plussssss, I've signed up to take Jenni's new class at Big Picture Scrapbooking.....I can hardly wait!
