
Monday, September 10, 2012

Classic Jenni Colors - New Kit in Digi

It's digi Monday and that means a new digital kit has been relased at our Digi Shoppe!

The Red/Black Extension II is part of the Red and Black collections Jenni releases once a year in her classic go-to colors: Red / Black / Cream.  Such a versatile color combo and this kit is just as versatile, too.

As you can see, this kit can be used for so many themes:

layout by Margje

layout by Amy Kingsford

layout by Nicole LeBlanc

There are so many beautiful elements including the lovely circular die-cut.

Thru midnight PT Monday, this new release is 25% off!

Have a great day!


  1. I am so glad I read this. I have the first one-didn't realize this one was different.I've got it now-thank you!
