Thursday, December 3, 2009

JBS Mercantile is on Twitter!

How TWEET it is! Find us @jbsmercantile . . . become a follower to keep abreast of the latest JBS news . . . and you could also be a winner! That's right! On Friday, December 11th we'll randomly choose one of our fabulous followers for a $50 JBS Mercantile gift certificate! TWEET!

P.S. The birdie above is part of a garland made by Jenni Bowlin herself. You can see the rest of it plus a few Christmas cards she's made in the last year or so over in the wholesale gallery. I found some Jenni creations stashed away at the warehouse and thought you'd want to see them; I finally got a few uploaded tonight. Please excuse the packing boxes in the background. Hee. They're oldies, but goodies I'm sure you'll agree.
Pin It!


  1. Churp! I found you and am following you!! I just joined twitter too!

  2. Love the garland! I'm now following you on twitter!!!

  3. oh dear gosh - that is the most wonderful garland. OK - I'm totally inspired!
